CEO R.E. White Consulting, USN-RET, IT Professional
Offering 35 Years Of Real World Experience,
In The Trenches, Of Professional Information Technology
a proud member of the american legion post 88, and recipient of Over 35 Notable Awards, Certificates, & Honors
MarcWhite.Pro Designed
We welcome you to visit with any screen size and resolution, although MarcWhite.Pro is primarily designed for 4K (3840 x 2160), 28″ minimum external displays or 17″ laptops. To enjoy optimum viewing experience, in Windows, go to Start, Settings, Display, Scale & Layout, then set resolution to 3840x 2160, and set Scale to 225%. Please set your browser to 100% zoom, hide bookmarks toolbar, and an optional setting is to hide lower toolbar when scrolling. We are always working on optimizing the experience for mobile users, but we highly recommend taking some time from your busy day, sitting down at your desk with a larger screen, relaxing with a nice cup of coffee or tea, and exploring the site in a more leisurely manner at your convenience. Thank you ma’am or sir!!

Your Client Needs A Shopping Buddy, Let My Sales Experience Work For You
Websites should be inviting, pleasant, and usable, not a lesson in futility or frustration. Stop chasing your clients away with poor inexperienced web design. I don’t utilize nor recommend obtrusive pop ups, forcing unnecessary cookies, self starting loud videos, shifting pages, large drop down banners, or cryptic navigation. Let’s get back to what works & is respectful, “the customer is always right”, by building a website which allows them to be in charge of the entire experience.

MarcWhite.Pro Working In & Running On The Google Cloud Platform Since 2021
Ready to take your entire business and team into the cloud? I will accomplish that project for you. This website is proudly hosted by MuelShed Data Storage & Website Hosting on a fully dedicated Google Cloud Platform n2-standard-2 server, utilizing leased state of the art cutting edge software installed & maintained by Marc White, including Apache Web Server v2.4.51, CloudLinux Shared Pro Operating System v7.9.0, WHM-Cpanel Web Host Manager v100.0.2, WordPress Content Management System v6.1.1, and Intel Cascade Lake Xeon CPUs, on the Google Cloud Platform Compute Engine in Google’s Council Bluffs Iowa $5B Data Center
About Me
I Focus on Building Strong, Intuitive, and Dynamic Sites
Cloud computing is no mystery anymore, and astute well seasoned business owners looking to fully harness it understand the new potential it unleashes. Anywhere in the world, 24 hours a day & 7 days a week, it’s “game on” with an unlimited number of ways for you to engage with your clients, business partners, & team members!
Years in the business
IT projects completed

My Services
Content Is King, Your Brand Speaks Volumes, Let’s Get It Right
Many companies misinform potential clients by stating website development & hosting is an easy drag and drop endeavor. Allow my decades of experience to demystify the web for you.
Website Design
Ultra professional, fast, responsive websites. WordPress Content Management System now utilized by 45% of all sites worldwide.
Branding & Marketing
A strong brand builds loyalty, assurance, and confidence. You need a strategy backed by professionalism & integrity.
Graphics & Logos
Don’t throw thousands of dollars away on a logo, I utilize GIMP, GNU Image Manipulation Program to create amazing logos you will love.
Strategy & Roadmaps
Pre deployment sandbox, timelines and deadlines with no excuses, and ultra professional service that gives you lift and takeoff.
Google Cloud Platform
GCP Compute Engine, Virtual Machine Instances, BYOL Installations, Snapshots & Analytics, and much more.
What My Clients Say
“We were under a time crunch with our project, and so I told myself, I need to contact Marc because I know he will get straight to work and we can accomplish this goal”

Marc White is the host & architect of blazing fast websites that consistently score “A” on GTMetrix, we could not be more satisfied
On Sunday October 8th 2023, 12:33 PM CST USA, at this webpage scored “A” with a “100% Performance”, “99% Structure”, “Largest Contentful Paint 722 milliseconds”, “Total Blocking Time 33 milliseconds”, “Cumulative Layout Shift 0.00”, a “Fully Loaded Time of 847 milliseconds”, and “Total Page Size of 636KB (32 images)”, and “35 Total Page Requests”. Approximately 50% of all web users will totally abandon any page that doesn’t fully load in 3.5 seconds or less. You don’t need a slow clunky website, call or text 270-847-2955 today!
Selected Works
You own and run a business & networking to gain clients & grow your team is your focus. Leave the technical complexities to an expert with decades of experience.
Branding, Graphic Design, Logos, Photography, Staging, WordPress Websites, Hosting, Marketing, Advertising, & Professionalism!
Your clients are each one totally unique so present them with an unparalleled
proposal they will never forget, individually tailored just for them.
Ready to Grow Your Business?
Contact me today and let’s discuss getting you started or trimming the bloat.